Clayton Gefre

Clayton Gefre


Meridian, Idaho


Clayton Gefre, Player 120, is a Marketing and Proposal Coordinator based out of Meridian, Idaho. He calls himself a professional storyteller, and stories are an important facet of his everyday life - from expressing his engineering firm's professional story as as professional services marketer, to the dozens of stories he's told onstage since 2018 as a company member of Music Theatre of Idaho, to the collaborative storytelling of his favorite tabletop games and RPGs, he lives his story and the stories of others every day. When not working or being filmed 24 hours a day with hundreds of other people, he enjoys distance running, video gaming, and trying new recipes to cook in the kitchen. His favorite ice cream flavor is salted caramel, he is a font of obscure professional wrestling trivia, and he hopes to one day compete at the national level in the board game Catan. He lives with his wife, Jessica (married May 2023), and their forest of house plants.