Dylan Daimin
Heinenoord, Netherlands
Dylan Daimin, player 165, is one of the few Dutch players in the show. He is one of the most well-known faces of the largest e-retail company in The Netherlands, Coolblue, and is mostly known for his videos about Smart Home products and gaming, but found in all other company media as well, from commercials to website to mailings. Dylan lives for experiences, whether that be dining in a ferriswheel, walking with alpacas, or taking a pottery class, if it makes for good memories or stories to be told, he wants in, and that is also one of his main reasons for applying for the show. In his spare time he likes to do things that are a little out-of-the-box, loves anyting that has to do with tech, attend big festivals like Tomorrowland, and play the most bizarre boardgames avaliable through Kickstarter.