Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa

Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa


Nashville, Tennessee


Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa, known as player 033 in Squid Game: The Challenge, is a dynamic individual with a multifaceted background. Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. Figgy, at 30 years old, has already left a mark in the world of reality television. Before her courageous venture into Squid Game: The Challenge, Figgy gained recognition for her participation in Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen-X. Beyond the challenges of the game, she brought a strategic mindset and determination to succeed. In her daily life, Figgy takes on the role of a sixth-grade science teacher in the heart of Nashville. Her passion for education extends beyond the classroom, as she actively mentors aspiring educators and imparts her wisdom by guest speaking at universities. Figgy's commitment to fostering the next generation of teachers is evident in her engagements with middle schools, where she addresses critical issues such as bullying and encourages students to dream big. Figgy is not just a teacher; she is a voice advocating for positive change. Her influence extends to social media, where she collaborates with companies whose values align with hers. Through these partnerships, Figgy showcases businesses, big or small, and their products, using her platform to promote what she believes in. With her unique blend of resilience, intelligence, and passion for education, Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa continues to make a lasting impact both in and outside the classroom, leaving an indelible mark on the worlds of reality television and education.